Detox Body Wrap
Infrared Body Wrap:
Relax, Detox, Reduce Body Aches, and Stimulate Weight Loss
30 Minute Session $50.00
(3 Sessions) 30 Minute Sessions $145.00
The Infrared Body Wrap not only purifies fat cells, but it burns calories. The utilization of Far Infrared Ray (FIR) has been testified to be one of the most effective and scientific methods for detoxifying the body, reduce pain, aid athletes in recovery, and weight-loss. Far Infrared rays has the ability to penetrate, refract, radiate and reflect. The human body can absorb FIR because of its deep penetrating ability. When FIR penetrates through the skin to the subcutaneous tissues, it transforms from light energy into heat energy. The thermal effect within the deep layers of the tissues causes blood vessels and capillaries to dilate, promoting better blood circulation, and the heat helps get rid of body toxins and metabolic wastes through sweating.
Infrared heat encouraging bodies to sweat out deeply buried toxins and excess inches. During your infrared body wrap treatments, wrapped bodies lounge in the rising heat as metabolisms are coaxed to burn up to 1,400 calories per session.
- Burns calories in under an hour
- Increases metabolism for up to 2 days after your session
- Purges the body of toxins and fat through perspiration
- Soothes sore and strained muscles
- Increases blood circulation, strengthen muscle nutrient
- Activates cells and eliminate heavy ions and toxins. It can accelerate metabolism, to help the cell break down fat quickly.
- Anti-inflammatory for muscle and joint pain
How do I prepare for my treatment?
Arrive fully hydrated.
Each session is 30 minutes in duration. Wear little if any jewelry, and it is suggested to bring an extra set of clothes to change into after your treatment. You can also do the treatment with your underwear or swimwear. You will be wrapped on a disposable plastic sheet and offered a wet towel with peppermint essential oil for your face to help you to cool down. Please try to come well hydrated. You should drink water before, during and after your session. Additional water is needed after your session to flush out lost toxins released from your fat cells. Failure to flush out these unwanted wastes can cause many people to feel slightly nauseated for a few hours.
*** Who should NOT get an Infrared Body Wrap treatment? ***
Everyone from all walks of life can gain benefit from Infrared heat therapy. However, it is strongly advised that sessions not be undertaken if any of the following conditions exist: Over activity of the thyroid gland, cardiac infraction, cardiac weakness, constriction of the coronary blood vessels, mark high or low blood pressure, diabetes with required insulin treatment, disturbances to the function of the kidneys and associated organs, fever, severe general infection, contact allergies, skin diseases, open wounds, newly acquired shingles, pregnancy, prescribed medicines causing increased sensitivity to physical stimulation (for example: antibiotics), cases of severe varicose veins.
If you have any these conditions, please consult with your doctor prior to scheduling appointment and prepare to bring a medical release from your physician.
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